Chambers Inn    Chambers Inn, by Apooka & Ozman. Coordinates: Yellow 150.407S 1716.899E 0.05a 1.4

using textures,color, color tint, and solid/visible options

Very often, objects that you are using in your builds just don't quite look like what you want them to. In this issue, we will explore some options using a variety of simple commands that will enable you to dramatically change the look of an object. You may have used them, but if so, consider this a review. We will be looking at create texture, create color, create color tint, create visible off/on, create solid off/on.

Textures, colors and color tints

Those walls again

We will be using our familiar 2D wall pieces here to illustrate the differences. Note that the color and the grid size on these very similar objects are very different.

Not all object sets have this difference, but we are using these 2D walls to illustrate some important points.

walls with texture

You use the command create texture [name of texture] to put a texture on an object. Note here that using this command on these three wall parts have very different outcomes, because of the grid size of these objects. Depending on your requirements and the texture used, you may wish to experiment to find the best fit. 2D flats, floors and wall pieces will be the most affected.

Using color tint on a texture

Here we have use the command create texture t_carvwd53 as the texture, and then adding different textures to illustrate what happens.

Note that using color tint will always tend to darken the texture used. This can be used very advantageously to create an overall theme in your build.

difference between color and color tint

Now for another look at the difference between color and color tint. Using the command create color [name of color or RGB] will generally completely cover whatever texture the object comes with. In the example we used the command create color skyblue, which paints the object in sky blue.

However, using the command create color tint skyblue tints the original texture of the object. If you put create texture [name of texture] and then color, the color will override the texture. However, color tint will just tint the texture, as the illustration shows.

There is a set of color names you can use and these may be found at You can also use the hexadecimal number, which will give you about 16 million colors or color tints to select from. The AW help pages will give you details on using these.

Using create visible on/off and solid on/off

You can get some really interesting effects by using the visible on/off and solid on/off commands on objects. If you want an invisible bump panel, for example, you simply make sure that you have the commands including visible off and solid off. For example, if you want to have a person warped to somewhere else as a surprise, you can use the command

Another use for the solid on/off is with builds that have a lot of trees. If you want people (and yourself!) to move freely through a heavily landscaped area, you can use the command create solid off on tree objects. Of course, there is much more you can do with these commands; the main thing is to try them out and experiment.

We hope you found this useful; let Ozman know if you want anything explained more.

Do you have any questions on building?

Does anyone have any building questions they want answered or do you have some tips you want to share? Please telegram Ozman and also to give feedback on this article, particularly if there are any mistakes. And as always, be sure to check the AW Help page and the related AW wiki pages for further help.

For new builders, be sure to visit AWNewbie, and AWSchool worlds for very good tutorials, on-line help from qualified teachers, and lots of very good objects.