The Celebrations Start Now

The National Park Service turns 100 on August 25, 2016

There will be events at national parks throughout the year

Now is the time for you to explore your national parks. To learn more, find out about what's happening in national parks near you. To get you started, here are some interesting facts about our famous national parks.

The spectacular natural area called Yosemite Valley

There, the "national park idea" came to partial fruition in 1864, when legislation was passed to transfer the federally owned valley, as well as the nearby Mariposa Big Tree Grove, to the state so they might " used and preserved for the benefit of mankind." The act of Congress was signed by President Abraham Lincoln on June 30, which gave the state of California the lands, on condition that they would " held for public use, resort, and recreation... inalienable for all time." It became a National Park on October 1, 1890.

Yellowstone National Park

The geological wonders of the Yellowstone region, in the Montana and Wyoming territories, remained little known until 1868 to 1871, when expeditions traversing the area, publicized their findings. Expedition members suggested reserving Yellowstone for public use, rather than allowing it to fall under private control. Wyoming and Montana had no state governments yet to which Yellowstone could be entrusted. Therefore, Yellowstone remained in the custody of the Department of Interior - as the world's first national park.

By the Act of March 1, 1872, Congress established Yellowstone National Park in the Territories of Montana and Wyoming. The founding of Yellowstone National Park began a worldwide national park movement. Today more than 100 nations contain national parks or preserves.

Here are some websites to visit to learn more about the centennial events.

"There is nothing so American as our national parks.... The fundamental idea behind the parks... is that the country belongs to the people, that it is in process of making for the enrichment of the lives of all of us."
President Franklin D. Roosevelt

National Park pic

To the top.

Aunt Trudy

Aunt Trudy

Hello, Ozman here, taking over from Aunt Trudy, who is currently indisposed. Fuzzy has the whole story, so be sure to read it and check it out.

I've also been hearing rumours that there will be some significant changes in the Yellow Gazette's office. But I'm only the web editor, so what do I know? I'm sure Ms Trudy will fill you all in when she's back on deck.

To the top.

Fuzzy Tales


It was last Monday morning when Ozman called Fuzzy to his office. It seems rumours were flying as to the absence of Ms Trudy from the office. She was normally the first one in, as not to come she could not stand to be second at anything, even an ability to be prompt. When Fuzzy entered Ozman's office, he found his boss on the phone and the expression on his face did not bode well.

Go here to continue the story.

From the Editors

We Are Back

Dear readers,

In this issue we deal with transitions. and updates on the staff and events.

After the unexpected departure of our former operations editor (who ran off to wed - check out the July 2014 issue of the YG in the archive), this was followed by more changes for other staff and the addition of new folks.

We chose to take the time to step back and really talk about what we wanted for this publication, not to mention we have had very limited time over the past months due to a list of issues too long to print. Needless to say, this has given us all time to revisit the hopes and intentions of the staff, I guess first and foremost.

Although we shall still have a connection to AW we will no longer base our full intention on trying to promote the site and the events there alone. This will still be an important part of the publication, just not the sole purpose.

We hope to broaden our range to fill the many interests and the requests of our readers. We will still be here to share the news around AW that comes to our attention, and we still have high hope for the future of the community.

Perhaps the most profound of our intentions in a world filled all too often with conflict and sadness is: we want to have fun, and help bring fun to others - that lovely distraction that rides hand in hand with potential. We will do our best to keep on the path of evolution: to adapt rather than die out, to learn and improve this life. This is the joy that we wish, not just for this project or our staff but for all living to thrive.

I mean after all down deep this is what we all want, and need.

We would sincerely like to just say thank you for all your support.

The editors and staff of the YG


Rumor has it there are some very interesting upcoming events in Yellow.

A new Golden Bear awards contest, and a huge cross-world transport community build project. For more info be sure to check out the clues in up coming issues.

And as always, contact us if you have an event or an issue you like us to share in the next publication.

To the top.

Links of Interest by Cecil


places of interest by Cecil

You might find inspiration here.

AW Builders' Creations

Just for fun -- to remind you what it's like to be new in AW

Advice to AW from Cecil: Folks: Please keep the same entry point and provide basic instructions for newbies.


Executive writing staff: Apooka and Ozman
Snippets and gossip: Ms Trudy Tangleclaw
Head Reporter & blogger: Theo. Fuzzybottom
Cub reporter & photographer: Randy Standish
Gardening and landscaping reporter: Ms Nellie Poogawoo
Head, culinary dept: Joe the Caterer
Apprentice Chef: Petal
Feature Food Writer: Cablecar Gal
Interim Office Manager: Pending
Groundskeeper: Mr Crabtree
Financial: Fleesum & Runn
Legal: Dewey, Cheatem & Howe
Staff Health Advisor: Ezmerelda Snowclaw
From the Academy: Prof. Thaddeus Daysong


Want to contact us? Email the Yellow Gazette at, or telegram Apooka or Ozman.

If you do send material to the Yellow Gazette, please be sure to include the name you use for your AV in ActiveWorlds.

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